Smart Sensors
Smart sensors
With so many smart sensor solutions on the market, it is hard to know which technology will suit your purposes in the long term.
We work with a number of partners who provide state of the art sensor solutions for a broad range of uses and issues.
From wireless to patented real-time and/or ultra low power communication technology - we can provide an IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) platform to a variety of industries with unique, low maintenance or even maintenance free IIoT solutions.
Wireless Sensor Technology
Wireless sensors have been developed by our partner companies specialising in affordable, wireless solutions. The IIoT sensor platforms we can provide are based on a real time, low power technology providing a wireless sensor network for industry.
The sensors can be easily retrofitted to a wide range of equipment, machines and systems including:
conveyors systems
plastic injection moulding equipment
steam traps
HV distribution systems
machines tools
drive shafts
The sensors continuously record measurement data on the machine, such as vibration, magnetic field air pressure and temperature. This data is then transmitted wirelessly to the IIoT gateway, where it is collected and forwarded to the central asset management cloud monitoring portal.
The advantages of smart sensors
We can supply the necessary platform from radio module to the cloud from a single source which gives a fast IIoT development and product integration. We can support companies on their way to digitisation and offer customised solutions for countless IIoT applications in various industries.
simple retrofitting to existing infrastructure
various easy fit mounting options
single gateway for logging of all measurement data from multiple sensor units and and controllers
power free, self sustaining, no battery change through energy harvesting from temperature, light or vibration
robust ISM radio network for setting up complex connections
open interfaces which can integrate data logging in third party systems