Commercial Energy Assessments

Our comprehensive range of energy assessments is designed to optimise your energy efficiency and drive cost savings for your business.

Commercial energy assessments are a crucial component of proactive facility management, offering insights into energy usage patterns, identifying inefficiencies, and recommending targeted improvements. By conducting thorough assessments, we help businesses:

  • Understand their energy consumption

  • Reduce operational costs

  • Minimise their environmental footprint.

Our expert team utilises cutting-edge technology and industry-leading practices to deliver accurate assessments tailored to your unique needs. From identifying energy-saving opportunities to implementing cost-effective solutions, Smart Asset Maintenance is committed to helping you achieve your sustainability goals while enhancing your bottom line.

Commercial Energy Assessments

What are the different levels of energy assessments?

In the UK, commercial energy assessments typically follow a tiered approach, ranging from basic to comprehensive evaluations. These levels of assessment provide a progressive approach to evaluating energy efficiency in commercial buildings, allowing businesses to choose the level of assessment that best suits their needs and budget, while still achieving meaningful energy savings and performance improvements.

Here are the different levels:


Level 1: Walk-through Survey (Basic)

This is the most basic level of assessment, involving a visual inspection of the property to identify obvious energy-saving opportunities. It may include basic data collection on energy usage and building systems.


Level 2: Site Energy Audit (Intermediate)

A more detailed assessment than Level 1, Level 2 involves a comprehensive review of energy consumption, building systems, and operational practices. It may include more in-depth data collection, analysis of utility bills, and the identification of potential energy-saving measures.


Level 3: Detailed Energy Survey (Advanced)

At this level, a detailed analysis of energy usage and building performance is conducted, often using energy modelling software and advanced data collection techniques. Level 3 assessments may include energy performance simulations, equipment testing, and cost-benefit analysis of recommended measures.


Level 4: Investment-grade Audit (Comprehensive):

This is the most comprehensive level of assessment, often undertaken for large or complex commercial properties. Level 4 assessments involve detailed engineering analysis, including the development of detailed project plans, financial modeling, and investment-grade cost estimates for energy-saving measures.

The Benefits of an Energy Assessment

What are the benefits of having an energy assessment?

Having an energy assessment performed on your building offers several significant benefits:

Cost Savings

Energy assessments identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills over time. By optimising energy usage, businesses can realise substantial cost savings.

Improved Comfort

Energy assessments often uncover issues related to temperature control, ventilation, and insulation that can affect indoor comfort. Addressing these issues can create a more comfortable environment for building occupants.

Enhanced Environmental Sustainability

Reduced energy consumption translates to lower greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller environmental footprint. Energy assessments help businesses contribute to sustainability goals and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Increased Property Value

Energy-efficient buildings are more attractive to tenants and investors due to lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact. Investing in energy efficiency improvements can enhance the value and marketability of your property.

Regulatory Compliance

Energy assessments can help businesses comply with energy efficiency regulations and standards, avoiding potential fines or penalties for non-compliance.

Identifying Maintenance Needs

Energy assessments often uncover maintenance issues or equipment inefficiencies that may be contributing to energy waste. Addressing these issues can improve equipment performance, extend equipment lifespan, and prevent costly breakdowns.