Understanding terminology

Understanding terminology

Finding the best maintenance strategy for your assets is a minefield that is becoming more and more complicated with the advent of the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence. There are more terms and acronyms arriving all the time to add to the already long list!

New techniques

Some of these new strategies and techniques will replace existing ones and some will add to and improve them. In general, the basics and principles will remain the same; it is the execution and techniques that will change.

The main change will be in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the prediction of failures within the condition-based maintenance field.

The basic maintenance strategies:

  • Planned preventive maintenance

  • Condition-based maintenance

  • Run to failure

Getting the right mix

Establishing the right mix of maintenance strategies for the asset portfolio requires an understanding of asset criticality, potential failure modes and the options available to monitor and maintain each individual asset. The most critical assets will demand prescriptive and predictive maintenance as a priority, whilst the least important assets may be suitable for a Run to Failure strategy.

Algorithms and Analytical Engines are being developed to analyse huge amounts of data and learn how to predict potential failures or unsatisfactory conditions.

For equipment where planned or fixed time maintenance is not a suitable option, and when the  failure is characterised as random rather than wear out, then the best option is to use some form of condition-based task to monitor equipment to predict a potential failure.

Understanding terminology

Condition Monitoring (C.M.), Predictive Maintenance (Pd.M.) and Prescriptive Maintenance (Ps.M.) can mean different things to different people. Understanding some definitions and terminology will help to determine the best way to use them and which will be the most suitable for your equipment and plant. Download our white paper - Understanding Terminology, through our exclusive Members’ Area, to find out more about the differences and how each can benefit you.


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