The evolution of smart asset maintenance

The evolution of smart asset maintenance

Smart Asset Maintenance is part of the MCP Group of companies. MCP is renowned for excellence and innovation within the asset management consulting and technical training services.

Client focused

We have always focused our efforts on supporting our clients’ future business objectives and proud of our 40 year history. This experience has given us a firm foundation upon which we can grow and stay ahead as the industry evolves.

It is for this reason that Smart Asset Maintenance was formed. Much is changing within the asset management sector and companies are now moving into a new technology base in which predictive maintenance is becoming their core strategy to reduce down time and maintenance costs.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is changing the face of asset management and Predictive Maintenance 4.0 strategies are proving that huge savings can be made from the initial investment.

The technology journey

Many companies may have started on their Industry 4.0 journey but not many have actually completed it. The main reasons for this:

  • ageing machinery and equipment with no sensor capabilities

  • too many variances in the IIoT platforms used

  • software that is not capable of combining all IIoT information received

  • complicated or non-uniform reporting, making it hard to understand the analytics presented

  • lack of knowledge in Industry 4.0 products and systems

  • traditional company cultures, making change very difficult

The technology solution

By bringing together the very best hardware and software producers in the industry, we can provide you, our customer, an end to end asset management service based on Industry 4.0 technology that can be retrofitted into a huge range of industry types.

This journey will revolutionise the way you maintain and manage your assets.

Whether you have already started on your industry 4.0 journey, or have no idea where to start, we can provide the technology solutions for your asset maintenance issues. Each client has their own set of problems, our solutions are bespoke to each customer, industry and equipment type. Our cost effective solutions will improve equipment reliability through the use of Predictive Maintenance 4.0 and condition machine monitoring systems which will reduce down time and save you money.


Changing the face of asset maintenance