Do UK Businesses Need an ESOS Audit?

Do UK Businesses Need and ESOS Audit?

Energy efficiency and sustainability have become critical considerations for businesses worldwide, and the UK is no exception. The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a key regulatory framework aimed at improving energy efficiency in large organisations across the UK. But do all UK businesses need an ESOS audit? Let’s explore the requirements, benefits, and implications of ESOS compliance.

What is ESOS?

ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme established by the UK government, in response to the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. It requires large organisations to audit their energy usage and identify cost-effective energy-saving opportunities every four years. The aim is to encourage businesses to take proactive steps towards reducing energy consumption and enhancing sustainability.

Who Needs an ESOS Audit?

Not all UK businesses are required to undergo an ESOS audit. The scheme applies to large undertakings and their corporate groups. An organisation must comply with ESOS if, on the qualification date (which falls every four years, the latest being December 31, 2022), it meets any of the following criteria:

  • Employs 250 or more people.

  • Has an annual turnover exceeding £44 million and an annual balance sheet total exceeding £38 million.

  • Is part of a corporate group that includes at least one entity meeting the above criteria.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are generally exempt from ESOS requirements, unless they are part of a larger group that qualifies.

What Does an ESOS Audit Involve?

An ESOS audit involves a comprehensive assessment of an organisation’s energy consumption across buildings, industrial processes, and transport. The key steps include:

Measurement and Analysis

  • Collecting data on energy use and energy efficiency over a 12-month period.

  • Identifying significant areas of energy consumption.

Energy Audits

  • Conducting energy audits to identify energy-saving opportunities.

  • Audits must be carried out or reviewed by a registered ESOS Lead Assessor.

Reporting and Compliance

  • Compiling a detailed report outlining the findings and recommended energy-saving measures.

  • Submitting a notification of compliance to the Environment Agency.


  • While implementing identified energy-saving measures is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged.

Benefits of ESOS Compliance

Cost Savings

  • Identifying and implementing energy efficiency measures can lead to significant cost savings on energy bills.

Environmental Impact

  • Reducing energy consumption contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions, supporting broader environmental sustainability goals.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Complying with ESOS avoids potential fines and enforcement actions. Non-compliance can result in financial penalties of up to £50,000, plus additional daily fines.

Reputation and Competitiveness

  • Demonstrating a commitment to energy efficiency can enhance a company’s reputation and provide a competitive edge in markets increasingly focused on sustainability.

Operational Efficiency

  • Energy audits often reveal opportunities to improve operational processes and efficiency, leading to overall business improvements.

Where to start…

While not all UK businesses are required to undertake an ESOS audit, those that meet the criteria must comply to avoid significant penalties and leverage the substantial benefits of improved energy efficiency. For large organisations, an ESOS audit is not just a regulatory obligation but a strategic opportunity to enhance sustainability, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency.

By embracing ESOS and committing to energy-saving initiatives, businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future while reaping tangible financial and operational benefits. If your organisation qualifies for ESOS, it’s crucial to start preparing early to ensure compliance and maximise the opportunities for energy savings.

If you are not sure where to start with ESOS, or made a start but hit a hurdle or two along the way, speak to us. We can provide you with the help, advice and support you need, to ensure your ESOS audit and subsequent improvements provide the benefits you should be expecting, in the short to medium and long term.


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